
Since his retirement from the International Finance Corporation at the end of 2013, Alan continues working actively on climate change issues as an independent consultant. Clients and projects have included:

Six background papers on climate change and insurance for the IFC chief economist’s office published in the IFC online publication Encompass (citations included among publications)

Private sector partnerships advisor for the UN Development Programme, Climate Information for Resilient Development in Africa, working to modernize weather and climate information systems in 11 of the poorest African countries (detailed information about the program available at the project website)

Private sector advisor for the U.S. Agency for International Development program, Climate Economic Analysis for Development, Investment, and Resilience (CEADIR) (project website). Activities including preparation of several reports, participation in AID sponsored training programs in Senegal and the Dominican Republic, and organizing multiple seminars on private sector related issues

Co-author of a paper on ways to increase the role of innovation in the funding of the Global Environment Facility, prepared for the GEF Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP)(available at the STAP website)

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UNEP Finance Initiative logo
Sustainable Energy for All logo
STAP logo GEF UN Environment programme

Co-lead author for UNEP FI, Driving Finance Today for the Climate Resilient Society of Tomorrow, a background paper for the Global Commission on Adaptation (view)

Lead author, Chilling Prospects: Providing Sustainable Cooling for All, prepared for the UN organization Sustainable Energy for All, and contributing author of several followup reports, available at the SEForAll website

Advisor for the consulting firm Climate Finance Advisors; projects include an analysis of nature based solutions for climate adaptation and a review of the impact of climate risk transparency on borrowing costs for vulnerable developing countries

Co-author, World Bank Sustainable Cooling Roadmap (publication forthcoming)

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