Cut Super Climate Pollutants Now!

Environmental history told through personal experience of a leading authority on climate change.

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In the room where it happened

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In a career spanning more than 40 years, Alan S. Miller has repeatedly been in the room where it happened. As a lawyer, scholar, author, and climate warrior, Miller has been in the room when and where policies on ozone depletion and climate change happened — often making a difference. His work today draws on the wisdom gained from his unique experience to offer solutions to the crisis the world faces from climate change.

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United Nations Development Programme UNDP logo
International Finance Corporation logo
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Climate Change and Ozone Protection

Alan’s work on protecting the ozone layer began in 1978 with the Natural Resources Defense Council, leading a 12-country comparative study of responses to the new issue as background for the second international meeting of governments in Munich. Thereafter he supported Congressional appearances by the co-author of the ozone depletion hypothesis, Dr. Sherwood Rowland (a future Nobel Laureate) and initiated the first lawsuit against EPA advocating more regulation of ozone depleting compounds.

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Climate Finance and Development

In the early 1990s, Alan was privileged to be involved in the creation of a new dedicated international fund for global environmental issues, the Global Environment Facility, or GEF.

He worked on climate change finance and policy at the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private sector arm of the World Bank.

As an independent consultant, Alan continues working on climate change and development issues for clients including US AID, the World Bank, and the UN body Sustainable Energy For All.

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